What do you think about time?
When I think about time I think about how I’m always late for everything. Not that time isn’t on my side, I’ve been told that I’m an optimist because I always assume I’ll get to places in the quickest possible time and assume nothing will go wrong on the way. Something else is that I always need to wear a watch or check the time on my phone because I feel I need to always be aware of what time it is as I need structure and routine (despite always being late 😅)
By structure do you mean like having some patterns to follow in general?
Definitely. I like routine and knowing what’s planned for the future like writing everything in my calendar and writing to-do lists everyday
I do the same thing ☺ would you say that this way of organize things prevents from finding the unexpected in some situations? Like you know that today you have to do A and C, passing by B; maybe without anything planned you could do C and B, passing by A, and maybe this situation could let you find out D. What do you think? (Hope I made myself clear 😁)
Ah I’m sorry I had to read that a few times to understand but I get it 😄 I think yes you’re right in saying that. When I have a list of things to do I feel I need to complete them to feel productive so i’ll never really know what other outcomes I could have come to if I just start the day with no planning
Although I feel like with no planning I wouldn’t get anything done at all. I like the socialise, chill out, etc, and without lists I fear I would get too lazy
So would you say that you're a productive person?
It definitely depends. I think sometimes yes very, I can do only work and college work for a few days and be quite focused, and then if it’s the weekend or if I feel like going out I’ll usually have a row of unproductive days when I do nothing. It’s very unbalanced
Do you think about the productivity itself in those "unproductive" days?
Yes absolutely. I usually feel guilty when I’m out and not doing work/college work/cleaning my flat (it badly needs a clean lol)
Do you like your flat?
Yeah I like it and the location is really good. My flatmates are so nice and my room is starting to feel more comfortable. But I would prefer an older and more homely building, this one is very new and artificial or something
Understood, do you think that we live more in an artificial or a natural world?
Unfortunately I think more in an artificial world. I very rarely feel completely surrounded by nature or natural things, and when I do it’s a novelty and is really refreshing. but I am almost always surrounded by artificial things
What is the difference between nature and natural for you?
When I think about it I suppose nature to me is describing something outdoors, plants and animals and landscapes etc. Natural is just something not artificial, so it can be a feeling too
What about the artificial that amplifies the natural? Like, two people talking to each other face to face is something natural (isn't it?), but you and me talking via artificial devices is an amplification of one of our natural capabilites (talking) to the point where I can talk in real-time with a person in english. There are more examples like this, so I'm asking what is your position about this artificial that is a progress (sometimes a regress) of something natural. Another example to made myself clear, you could be amazed by a beautiful landscape and so you could experience a strong feeling on that, you could use a digital camera (artificial of natural [eye, memory]) to take a picture of that landscape, you'll probably look over at that picture to re-experience the same feeling.
What do you think?
*"...I can talk in real-time with a person in english in another part of the world"
Ahh so sorry I had a really busy few days and replying completely slipped my mind. I guess I haven’t given it much thought before about the artificial amplifying the natural, and vice versa. I once had a relationship when I was much younger where I met the person on social media (tumblr) and so we were in relationship yet we had never met in person. And I found our connection and relationship very natural because we talked everyday and it just grew with time
I think as society and technology is expanding and growing so fast it makes sense that this concept would evolve where artificial (human made) contributes to progressing something natural (of this earth)
What does the word "relationship" means to you?
In the previous message I definitely meant it as a romantic relationship. But it can apply to so many different contexts, both serious and otherwise. As in I can have a relationship with an object of some kind
Can a place be a matter of relationship?
Can an idea be a matter of relationship?
I think so, yes. There was a girl in my undergraduate class who was really set on one certain idea for a project before we had even gotten our first brief. So she said she was "married to the idea." Definitely a relationship there!
Where do you think is the limit between "being married to the idea" and making compromises?
I think it’s different for different people because in the case I’m talking about, this girl is super stubborn and she was never going to change her idea. Some people might be more open to making compromises
What's your favorite geometric shape?
Triangle for sure 🐙
What's beyond the sky?
I imagine different kinds of strange gases
Infinite space
Describe infinite in one word
Never ending
Oh heck that’s two I thought it was one
No problem ;)
What was the first thought of the day?
Well I woke up 35 minutes after my class had started so my first though was “Oh shit”